
"Dynamic Modeling and Forecasting of Time-evolving Data Streams", KDD2019.
[pdf] [foils] [poster] [code]

- Model fitting and forecasting (python)

*** Patent pending ***
OrbitMap is freely available for non-commercial purposes. If you intend to use OrbitMap for a commercial purpose, please contact us by email at yasuko [at] sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp


"Regime Shifts in Streams: Real-time Forecasting of Co-evolving Time Sequences", KDD 2016.
[pdf] [foils] [poster] [code]

- Model fitting and forecasting (python, matlab)

*** Patent pending ***
RegimeCast is freely available for non-commercial purposes. If you intend to use RegimeCast for a commercial purpose, please contact us by email at yasuko [at] sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp


"Non-Linear Mining of Competing Local Activities", WWW 2016.
[code] [data] [pdf] [ppt]

- Interactive demo (python)
- Model fitting (python)
- Dataset (GoogleTrend)
(10years x 236 locations)


"The Web as a Jungle: Non-Linear Dynamical Systems for Co-evolving Online Activities", WWW 2015.
[code/data] [pdf] [ppt]

- Interactive demo (python)
- Model fitting (python)


"FUNNEL: Automatic Mining of Spatially Coevolving Epidemics", KDD 2014.
[code] [pdf] [foils] [poster] [data]

- Interactive demo (python)
- Model fitting (matlab)
- Project Tycho (data)


"AutoPlait: Automatic Mining of Co-evolving Time Sequences", SIGMOD 2014.
[code] [pdf] [foils] [poster]

- AutoPlait (c code)
- AutoPlait-plot (matlab)


"Rise and Fall Patterns of Information Diffusion: Model and Implications", KDD 2012.
[code] [pdf] [foils] [poster]

- Interactive demo (python)
- Model fitting (matlab)


"Fast Mining and Forecasting of Complex Time-Stamped Events", KDD 2012.
[code] [pdf] [foils] [poster]

- TriMine inference and forecasts (c code)
- TriMine-plot (matlab)