OrbitMap (Dynamic Modeling and Forecasting of Time-evolving Data Streams, KDD 2019)
RegimeCast (Regime Shifts in Streams: Real-time Forecasting of Co-evolving Time Sequences, KDD 2016)
CompCube (Non-Linear Mining of Competing Local Activities, WWW 2016) [Data]
EcoWeb (The Web as a Jungle: Non-Linear Dynamical Systems for Co-evolving Online Activities, WWW 2015)
FUNNEL (FUNNEL: Automatic Mining of Spatially Coevolving Epidemics, KDD 2014)
AutoPlait (AutoPlait: Automatic Mining of Co-evolving Time Sequences, SIGMOD 2014)
CrossMatch (Pattern Discovery in
Data Streams under the Time Warping Distance, VLDB Journal)
TriMine (Fast Mining and Forecasting of Complex Time-Stamped Events, KDD 2012)
spikeM (Rise and Fall Patterns of Information Diffusion: Model and Implications, KDD 2012)
SPRING (Stream Monitoring under the Time Warping Distance, ICDE 2007)
BRAID (BRAID: Stream Mining through Group Lag Correlations, SIGMOD 2005)
FTW (FTW: Fast Similarity Search under the Time Warping Distance, PODS 2005)
A-tree (The A-tree: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Spaces Using Relative Approximation, VLDB 2000)
Yasushi Sakurai, Osaka University