Mining Big Time-series Data on the WebYasushi Sakurai, Yasuko Matsubara (Kumamoto U) and Christos Faloutsos (CMU/SCS)
Yasushi Sakurai | Yasuko Matsubara | Christos Faloutsos |
Description (pdf):
Online news, blogs, SNS and many other Web-based services has
been attracting considerable interest for business and marketing
purposes. Given a large collection of time series, such as web-click
logs, online search queries, blog and review entries, how can we
efficiently and effectively find typical time-series patterns? What
are the major tools for mining, forecasting and outlier detection?
Time-series data analysis is becoming of increasingly high importance,
thanks to the decreasing cost of hardware and the increasing
on-line processing capability.
The objective of this tutorial is to provide a concise and intuitive
overview of the most important tools that can help us find meaningful
patterns in large-scale time-series data. Specifically we review
the state of the art in three related fields: (1) similarity search,
pattern discovery and summarization, (2) non-linear modeling and
forecasting, and (3) the extension of time-series mining and tensor
analysis. We also introduce case studies that illustrate their practical
use for social media and Web-based services.
Part0: Introduction
Part1: Similarity search, pattern discovery and summarization
Part2: Non-linear modeling and forecasting
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Part3: Extension of time-series data: tensor analysis
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Part4: Conclusions
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